redefining the classroom

Let's introduce you to Redefining the Classroom, a project that takes place at HefHouse. The HefHouse is the result of Erasmus University Rotterdam, Hogeschool Rotterdam and Albeda College coming together and believing that learning shouldn't be confined to the walls of the classroom and theoretical knowledge. HefHouse facilitates learning through real-life experiences and engaging with stakeholders and the community.
Frieda Franke
get in touch with
Frieda Franke

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to the hefhouse!

Made possible by the Municipality of Rotterdam, HefHouse is set to become a hub of innovation and learning, as well as a hub for the youth. Located next to the iconic Hef bridge and within the Hefpark, HefHouse offers a space for the community of Rotterdam-Zuid to connect.  

Within the HefHouse, the Municipality supported Stichting L.E.S. in setting up a youth hub. Both of these parties are also involved in the collaboration with educational institutions to encourage students to meet youth from the neighborhood and stimulate reciprocal learning.  

Step into a world where learning happens through real experiences in real situations. Find out more about the HefHouse and let's redefine the future of education!


To further develop HefHouse as a basecamp for educational programs to interact closely with the local community.

To create and facilitate activities where students and youth can interact and engage with each other and within the local community.


We supported the Youth Hub, founded by Stichting L.E.S., in enabling and encouraging interaction between youth and students, e.g. the Trustmaking campaign, where students from the Rotterdamse Academie van Bouwkunde are paired with youth from the neighborhood. The connection creates an understanding with the students who will become future policy makers to consider the needs and wants of the residents.

We organised educational courses, Social Impact Minors, that focus on immersing in society and explicitly catering to the needs of the neighborhood. We work with local social organisations such as Stichting Stem Zonder Gezocht, Stichting Iedereen Aan Boord and Stichting Hefpark.

We launched an ongoing social and integration Buddy Programme, as part of the MDT-initiative between young status holders and university students in Rotterdam. A fruitful collaboration with Stichting Werkshop.

Partners & contributors